
Machine learning methodologies have been applied in several real-world applications and fused with embedded systems to solve real-world cyber-physical applications. Whereas needed we design the electronics, the case, the machine learning algorithms (e.g., for optimal energy harvesting, fault detection, environmental change detection, signal compensation, classification, data filtering, data compression, non-linear regression), the managing embedded SW and carry out the due deployments. Some deployments have been (and are) active for more than three years. For instance see the leaflets of the Gallivaggio, Rialba, Premana and St Martin deployments.



firefoxThe aim of the project i-Sense is to develop a cognitive framework for analysing and interpreting sensor data, e.g., those coming from sensor and actuator networks, such that faults are promptly detected, isolated, identified and accommodated for future decisions or actuator actions. What proposed provides a new paradigm for intelligent data processing in faulty unstructured environments. Solutions are based on adaptation and learning schemes, which enhance the effectiveness and robustness of autonomous diagnostic systems by exploiting key correlations between measured variables, both in space and time. Different solutions are being proposed, which differentiate for the available priors, hence covering relevant applications such as intelligent building and distributed monitoring and control.
Goals are being achieved through

  • a rigorous formulation of cognitive fault-diagnosis and fault-tolerant control problems;
  • the design of cognitive fault-diagnosis schemes that can be effectively applied to monitor and control applications in uncertain distributed environments;
  • the development of a set of adaptation and learning algorithms to be incorporated into the cognitive fault-diagnosis and fault-tolerant control schemes;
  • the integration of the various components in real-world applications.


Monitoraggio Idrogeologico Adattivo a supporto del piano di Rischio Integrato Alpino


firefoxThe MIARIA project represents a meeting place between academic research and territorial needs. Purpose of the project is to design and make available new technologies for monitoring the hydrogeological risk as well as develop methodologies to support the integrated risk plan for the alpine environment. The partners of the project are Politecnico di Milano (Polo Territoriale di Lecco and Fondazione), Regione Lombardia, Provincia di Lecco, Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI) and Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI).

Within such framework we have designed, developed and deployed new monitoring systems for rockfall and landslide control (rock falling, rock toppling, rock avalanches and landslide). Such systems, based on hybrid and wireless sensor network technologies, are able to autonomously operate in hostile environments, harvesting the energy needed to carry out their operations and adapt to the changing environment.

Deployments are active in Italy (Torrioni di Rialba e Premana), Lombardy region,  and Switzerland (Val Canaria), Ticino, to monitor areas at risk and characterized by high impact on nearby critical infrastructures and settlements.

Details regarding some deployments can be found in the following links:





PROMETEO is a strategic research project of Politecnico di Milano focusing on civil protection and homeland security (public protection) topics. The project, designed in 2005 and activated in 2006, finds out its natural geographic positioning in the Lecco Campus of Politecnico di Milano for the presence of distinctive open air territorial laboratories, such as the alpine valleys of Valtellina and Valsassina (hydrogeological risk) and the nearby urban industrial areas of the Milano Metropolis (industrial, transportation and homeland security risks). The project involves a relevant number of partners, both internal to the Politecnico and external, that have operative and organizing roles.

PROMETEO is, by itself, a large container for projects addressing civil protection and homeland security issues. In addition to the projects currently activated, which will be briefly presented in the following, other projects will be subsequently designed and inserted in PROMETEO to address specific requirements from institutions or cover other hot topics in the Public Protection field not presently addressed.

PROMETEO is, in its present framework, constituted by seven highly interacting projects. Among these we have two laboratory-projects aiming at defining, developing, verifying and validating ICT, and structural, geotechnical and civil infrastructures applied to the public protection area.




INSYEME - Integrated Systems for EMErgency


firefoxIl progetto Insyeme ha come obiettivo lo studio e la sperimentazione di metodologie e strumenti innovativi per la realizzazione di sistemi integrati per la prevenzione e gestione delle emergenze a seguito di catastrofi naturali. L'infrastruttura tecnologica di Insyeme erogherà un’ampia gamma di servizi fruibili dagli operatori in campo anche per mezzo di dispositivi mobili commerciali in modo nonconvenzionale. Le attività di ricerca riguardano l’evoluzione dei sistemi di comunicazione radio a banda larga, loro integrazione con le reti di comunicazione esistenti (fisse, mobili e satellitari) e lo sviluppo di applicazioni complesse secondo il nuovo paradigma Mobile Grid Computing. Questo paradigma Grid consentirà l’integrazione dinamica, pervasiva ed ubiqua di tecnologie eterogenee di raccolta, trasmissione ed elaborazione delle informazioni in un unico sistema con elevato controllo della QoS in termini di performance, sicurezza e disponibilità.